Maudy Ayunda, pelantun ‘perahu kertas’ ini .diterima 2 Universitas ternama yaitu Harvard dan Stanford untuk S2nya. Dalam Instagramnya, Maudy Ayunda mengunggah bahwa dirinya diterima di Universitas Harvard untuk program Magister Pendidikan. Dalam captionnya, Maudy Ayunda mengatakan

Beberapa hari yang lalu, aku mendapat surat bahwa aku diterima di Universitas Harvard untuk program Magister Pendidikan. Aku sangat senang, caption singkat ini tidak akan bisa menggambarkannya“, ucap Maudy 

“Aku sekarang dilanda banyak emosi. Kegembiraan, tentu saja Rasa beryukur, tentu saja. Tetapi yang paling penting, aku diingatkan sekali lagi bahwa mimpi, ketika dipecah menjadi tujuan konkret, menjadi rencana yang dapat dicapai. Dan kerja keras serta komitmen terhadap suatu visi, akan menuai hasil. Lihat postingan selanjutnya“, pada caption Instagram Maudy 

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A few days ago, I received my acceptance to Harvard University for a Masters in Education. Iwas so happy a short caption would not do it justice. It felt surreal, and I was brought back to a moment two years ago, when I walked the rain-splattered steps towards John Harvard’s statue. Tourists and visitors had to line up to capture their moment alongside the statue, and while waiting for my turn – I looked around at the surrounding establishment, enraptured by the intimidating aura that was Harvard. Even in the humidity and rain, I was drawn to its red bricks and the promise of learning it had to offer. I am now engulfed in a multitude of emotions. Excitement, certainly. Gratitude, definitely. But most importantly, I am reminded once again that dreams, when broken down into concrete goals, become achievable plans. And that hard work and commitment to a vision, will reap results. See next post. ❤️

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Kemudian pada unggahan selanjutnya Maudy Ayunda dilemma karena dirinya juga di terima Universitas Stanford.

“tetapi ceritanya tidak berakhir di situ. Saat ini aku menghadapi dilema yang indah, karena aku juga mendengar kabar dari mimpi besarku yang lain: diterima di jurusan MBA Stanford,” pada caption Instagramnya.

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But the story doesn’t end there. Currently I face a beautiful dilemma, because I also heard back from another big dream of mine: acceptance to Stanford‘s MBA program. (Yay is an understatement!) You gotta understand – I HONESTLY didn’t think I would get in. The acceptance rate was crazy low, and at every step of the application I had to remind myself not to get my hopes up. It was a near impossibility to get in. So imagine the ecstatic shock of receiving that call from Palo Alto. The conversation itself was a blur as I mouthed “oh my god” to my parents. Lesson learned: Dreams are funny things. The most unlikely ones can catch you off guard. Anyways… thought I‘d share this story with all of you – you’ve been such an integral part of my journey and I would like to express my gratitude for your role in getting me here. Thank you for following and listening to the stories I tell. I have yet to decide. I already am leaning towards one of these opportunities, but I’ll share my decision when the time comes. x Mod

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Sepertinya Maudy Ayunda terlihat dilemma bahagia mendengar kabar baik dari 2 Universitas ternama ini.Meskipun Maudy Ayunda merasa dilemma antara masuk kedalam Universitas Stanford atau Harvard, mendengar kabar baik ini let’s congratulate Maudy Ayunda for her new journey in pursuing higher education.