Media asing sorot Spongebob Squarepants di indonesia, setelah  keputusan KPI yang diduga mengandung unsur kekerasan.

World of Buzz media asal Negeri Jiran tersebut membuat artikel menyebut bahwa Indonesia menganggap SpongeBob sebagai pengaruh buruk karena di dalam filmnya mengandung unsur kekerasan.

Indonesia Says Spongebob is Bad Influence and Labelled the Movie As Violent,” tulis World of Buzz pada bagian judul artikel tersebut.

Media tersebut mengutip laporan dari The Jakarta Post bahwa film kartun SpongeBob SquarePants mengandung unsur kekerasan dimana diantaranya

  • Memukul muka dengan menggunakan papan,
  • Menjatuhkan bola bowling di atas kepala,
  • Melemparkan palu,
  • Melemparkan pot berisi kaktus dengan menggunakan raket.

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The Jakarta Post reported that the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) gave a warning letter to a TV channel for playing The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. Apparently, the local channel (GTV) has violated “the broadcasting code of conduct (P3) and program standards (SPS)” by playing the movie on the national channel. The movie – which was aired on 6 August 2019 at around 11.14 am – was said to contain violent scenes. Some of the violent content which was pointed out are mentioned below: – Hitting someone in the face with a board. – Dropping a bowling ball on someone’s head. – Throwing a hammer at someone. – Throwing a pot of cactus using a racket. Sorry Spongebob! According to the KPI’s website, the movie which replayed on the channel again on 22 August 2019 (at 3.02 pm) featured more “violent” scenes like throwing a cake at someone and hitting another person with a wood. Therefore, KPI shared that the Emmy-winning movie has flouted Article 14 of KPI’s code of conduct whereby they are must abide by the “interests of children in every aspect of broadcasting production”. Not only that but the movie – which is a favourite show and movie for almost all 90s kids – have defied Article 37 of the commission’s program requirements too. Article 37 of the commission’s program standards decrees that any shows with the R classification are not allowed to be aired for children and teenagers as it may propagate inappropriate, violent behaviour. Hmm… What do you think about The Spongebob Squarepants Movie being labelled violent by Indonesia’s Broadcasting authorities? Tell us in the comments below! For the full story, click on the link in the bio. Want more stories like this? Follow us on @worldofbuzzofficial.

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Selain itu, ada juga episode yang diputar pada 22 Agustus 2019 lalu juga dianggap menampilkan adegan kekerasan, yaitu melemparkan kue serta memukul orang lain menggunakan kayu.

“KPI menyebut film pemenang Emmy ini melanggar Pasal 14 tentang Pedoman Perilaku Penyiaran di mana stasiun televisi harusnya memperhatikan kepentingan anak dalam setiap aspek produksi siaran,” tulis World of Buzz.

Netizen Instagram khususnya Malaysia memberikan tanggapan mengenai keputusan KPI mengsanksi film kartun tersebut. Banyak diantara menyindir asap karhutla yang ternyata sampai kenegeri Malaysia ini.

Sebelumnya SpongeBob SquarePants ini memang dikenakan sanksi akibat adegan-adegan yang mengandung unsur kekerasan. Check the news here