Semua perangkat yang dicuri telah dilacak dan terancam dipolisikan

Beberapa waktu belakangan, demonstrasi terjadi disejumlah titik di Amerika, bahkan dunia. Namun aksi protes terhadap kematian George Floyd tersebut juga dibarengi dengan tindak anarkis berupa penjarahan toko-toko di sekitar lokasi demonstrasi. Apple store pun bukan pengecualian.

Crazy GIF shows how iPhone X may pave the way for Apple Glasses ...

Source: Cult of Mac

Melihat adanya aksi tersebut, pihak Apple pun merespon cepat dengan mengunci software dari semua perangkat yang telah dicuri.

Bukan cuma itu, Apple juga mengirim pesan lewat perangkat curian tersebut untuk segera mengembalikan ponsel itu ke tempat pelaku penjarahan mengambil perangkat tersebut.

Pihak kepolisian juga dilibatkan dalam penindakan aksi penjarahan ini.

Hal ini dibuktikan dengan pesan yang menyatakan bahwa perangkat jarahan tersebut telah dilacak, dan Apple telah melibatkan pihak yang berwajib dalam tindak kriminal ini.

Respon Apple terhadap kekerasan pada warga kulit hitam

Aku mendengar kabar bahwa banyak sekali di antara kalian merasa takut — takut akan lingkungan mu, takut di kehidupan sehari-hari mu, dan yang paling kejam, takut karena warna kulit mu.

Demikian perkataan Tim Cook, sang chief operating officer Apple. Ia menegaskan bahwa dirinya, maupun Apple, peduli dengan keberadaan dan hak warga kulit hitam.

Untuk semua kolega kami di komunitas warga kulit hitam — kami melihat kalian,” tutur Cook dalam pernyataan terbukanya pada media berita.

Kamu berharga, hidup mu berharga, dan kalian berharga buat Apple.”

Tindak anarkis di demonstrasi kematian George Floyd juga dilakukan pria kelahiran Indonesia

Tindak Anarkisnya Viral di Media Sosial, Pria Keturunan Indonesia Ini Minta Maaf

Source: The Inquirer

Dengan adanya demonstrasi George Floyd yang menjadi sorotan dunia, lo mungkin udah nggak asing dengan foto di atas.

Foto tersebut menampilkan sosok pria yang melakukan pengerusakan ke bank Wells Fargo, dengan tato pulau Indonesia di tangannya. Pria tersebut diketahui bernama Rainey A. Backues dan merupakan warga negara AS yang dinaturalisasi, namun lahir di Jawa.

Merespon fotonya yang viral di media sosial, Rainey pun memohon maaf atas tindak anarkis tersebut, juga kepada warga Indonesia. Hal ini ia sampaikan lewat akun instagram pribadinya.

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You might recognize me from several photos making the rounds on social media in the last several hours. If you know me personally, you will know that what is represented this is quite unlike me. I initially began my day by going out for a daily bike ride, and I went through Center City, ending up at the protests. This helps explain why I was not covering my identity in the photos. At first, I simply wanted to document on my Instagram story what I was seeing for those who were at home. But, as the evening went on, I began to feel a combined anger from the murder of George Floyd and a feeling of energy in the face of national police injustice from the rioting welling up inside of me. Even today, I still feel the passion of hurt brought about by the racial injustice that is frequently directed towards people of color, myself included. This emotion runs deep. However, I now regret that my justified anger and impulse to not stay silent too quickly turned into movements to destroy property. Demonstrating is not the same thing as destruction. Thus, I would now like to apologize to the BLM movement as well as to the protestors who are legitimately exhibiting their disagreement with the present injustices we all have witnessed. Since one of my tattoos shows the islands of Indonesia (I am a naturalized US citizen, but I was born on the island of Java), I would also like to apologize to the Indonesian community in Philadelphia. Finally, to clarify, I must make it clear that, though I foolishly posted selfies holding sneakers up to my ear on my Instagram story, I did not loot them nor did I take any home with me. The streets were littered with clothing and shoes and I thought it would emphasize the amount of looting that was happening if I posed with them in this way. I now regret posting those photos. Once again, I apologize to all the communities that I have negatively affected and embarrassed. I am willing to take full responsibility for my actions. I have learned a great deal from this incident.

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